My sweet Livy:
It has been one year since you entered the world and changed our hearts forever. Since the day you arrived on the planet, you have been a symbol, for me, of love, peace, and light. I felt that the first day in the hospital and I feel it now. Sometimes I think my job as your mother is to make sure I help Livy keep her Livy-ness.
In the past two months you have learned to crawl, stand up tall, and take some assisted steps. You're not yet cruising furniture but you do try to stand up in the middle of the floor. It looks like you're doing the downward facing dog pose in yoga, and I'm sure one day you are just going to push up into a stand and fall over. You are flexible and fast, and I am in no rush for you to walk because it's fun to watch you explore the world as a crawler.
I've been anxiously waiting to see which toys you develop a passion for and the clear winner seems to be dolls. You absolutely light up with joy when you are holding a doll baby and then hug them, bounce them on your knee, and kiss their faces. You get really excited if I change their clothes or put something on them like a diaper or sunglasses. You also really love animals, including real-life dogs especially.
In fact, your first three words were "Dada," "Mama," and "doggie" — in that order. You also say "hi" and wave your hand at people with a smile. I've also heard you say "baby" and other "B" words but I'm not sure yet if you're using them with conviction. You are VERY verbal and babble and practice new noises all the time. I frequently listen to you in your crib blowing raspberries with your lips and singing.
At your one year well-visit this week, you were 31 inches long and weighed almost 24 lbs. which puts you in the 85th percentile across the board. You are my strong, capable girl! You still have the strikingly beautiful blue eyes you had in the hospital, and I'm guessing they're here to stay.
You've also got the prettiest little head of chestnut brown hair. I am probably not the best mama when it comes to making your hair look well-coiffed. You often look like a rock star who just trashed a hotel room. But occasionally you will sit still long enough for me to put a pigtail or bow in your hair.
Some of my favorite things you currently do:
- laugh whenever somebody around you laughs
- pet the doggie (Sophie) whenever she is beside you, which is a lot
- wiggle your hips and dance whenever music is on
- squeal with delight when brother splashes you in the bathtub
Food is still something you excel at, if that's a thing. If there were baby awards for eating you would surely get a blue ribbon. You love to try new things and seem to savor the taste of each food. Without exception, you eat everything we eat and especially love fruit and vegetables. You have started to use spoons and forks and are eating off a plate instead of the table. You've also mastered the use of a sippy cup.
You are sleeping through the night consistently for 12 hours. We put you down around 6:30/7 PM and you wake up around 7 AM. You are transitioning from two naps a day to one. And you still share a bedroom with Hank — it's so cute to listen to you guys "talk" to each other in your room at night.
We had a small party at our house for your birthday and you were the cutest, most adorable birthday girl that ever lived. You opened presents like a champ and loved every single one of them. We were somewhat surprised when you daintily ate your cake instead of diving right in. It might have had something to do with the crown you were wearing at the time.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. Mama loves you so much — forever and no matter what.
photo by Christie Rackley Photography
Smash cake by MoMo