Little Livy Rose:
You are just a few days shy of being 10 months old. Since my track record for getting your monthly letters done is a bit shy of perfect, I'm doing this one early for good measure. My inability to keep up with letter-writing is parallel to how inexplicably fast your little life is going through my lens.
Right before my eyes you are turning from baby to toddler. It is, at once, thrilling and bittersweet. I sometimes get weepy thinking this is the littlest my littlest one will be. But those moments don't last long, because it's far too exciting to see you moving, babbling, and exploring your way into toddler-dom.
You are about a hot minute away from crawling. I keep thinking today will be the day, but you keep teetering on the edge of doing it. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth. And you lunge at things. It's just a matter of time before your mind and body figure it out and then we'll all be chasing after you.
Babbling is still one of your favorite pastimes and you get into heated discussions with people who have no idea what you're saying. That doesn't seem to bother you at all. There aren't many English words coming out yet (Dada is still a favorite) but I have no doubt that your fiery spirit will one day be heard.
Some of my favorite things that you do:
- flap your arms excitedly and laugh when you're happy
- "clap" with one hand (opening and closing your fingers)
- lunge for objects on the table and surprise everyone with how far you can reach
- get excited when the doggie comes near you
- close your eyes and make adorable squeals and ahhhhhs when brother gives you hugs and kisses
You are eating solid foods like a champ — we've pretty much started giving you anything and everything that we're eating. You rarely choke or gag and can even put away a fair amount of meat. One day I gave you a big piece of chicken to suck on and was surprised when you ate the whole thing. Not bad for a girl with only two teeth. You love food and love the process of eating meals with people around you.
Eating more solids has led to sleeping for longer periods at night. You are currently waking up 1-2 times at night to eat and going right back to sleep. You go to bed around 6:30 PM and wake up around 7 AM. You are my happy morning girl, which is good because brother and daddy are not as fun to be around in the morning.
A few weeks ago we stopped breastfeeding. It was definitely not planned and happened sooner than I anticipated. We were all sick for almost 2 months, and a medication I was taking affected my milk supply without me knowing it. But you transitioned to formula with ease and I've enjoyed seeing daddy and others get to feed you more often. You aren't so snuggly during feedings anymore and often kick and push so hard that we find it difficult to keep you contained with one arm. There's just too much going on for you to sit still for long. The one exception to that is your middle-of-the-night feeding where you are sleepy and calm. I drink up those moments with you, knowing too well how numbered they are.
At your last pediatrician visit you were 28 inches long (75th percentile) and 20 lbs. (70th percentile). It's time to move you from your infant car seat to the big girl car seat you got for Christmas. And I am packing away clothes that you are outgrowing at an alarming rate. Good thing your mama loves to shop for you and brother.
Some of your favorite things:
- being outside
- avocados and guacamole
- bread
- the dog
- music + dancing
- bath time (with brother splashing you)
Livy-girl, my crazy, sweet soul who brightens up the world around her — I couldn't possibly love you more. Thank you for filling our days with light, love and the sweetest cheeks that ever existed.