My sweet Livy:
Today you are 8 weeks old. But it feels like you've been a part of our family forever. Someday you will understand what that's like — to meet someone and feel like you've known them forever. I thought that having a baby for the second time would somehow feel less magical, less awe-inspiring, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Your coming into the world was every kind of wonderful.
You were born on May 28, 2014 at UPMC Hamot Women's Hospital in Erie, PA near the bay of Lake Erie. I had a scheduled Cesarean delivery which went about as fabulously as a surgery can go. I even joked with the anestheiologist that it felt like I was at a spa. I fell asleep on the table while they were stitching me up. Little did I know that this peaceful, relaxing feeling was an indicator of your way of being.
You are peaceful and easy-going and calm most of the time. Being our second born baby, I know that part of it is that I am more relaxed and confident. But most of it has to do with who you are. During wakeful times you are bright-eyed and curious and smiley. You smiled while we were still at the hospital! When you get upset you do get full-bore mad and angry, but you are quick to calm down again once your needs are met.
Breastfeeding was easy with you from the start. We were reunited after the birth pretty quickly and you were able to latch on strongly right away. It only took about two weeks for us to get through the early bumpiness of our breastfeeding relationship. You are one of those rare and amazing babies who sleeps for longer periods at night and is a more active eater during the day. Right now you wake up 1-2 times a night to eat (usually just 1) and eat every 2-3 hours during the daytime. I'm a lucky mama!
Your big brother Hank wasn't quite sure what to make of you at first, but once he realized you were a real person and not an animated doll he became warm and affectionate with you. Every day he smiles at you and gives you kisses and calls you "baby" in the cutest way. I love seeing him put his hand on your back and kiss your head. He also likes to rock you in the rocker and brings you a pacifier when you need one. Big brother loves to be helpful, and he loves you.
You go everywhere with us — to the playground and swimming and shopping and out to eat — without much fussing. You love being in the Ergo carrier but kind of hate the car seat. We hated to hear you cry in the car so we found a way to put a swaddle in your car seat around the seat buckle, which has really made car trips more peaceful for you.
Physically you are SO active and strong. You were holding your head up from the start and continue to shock me with how much strength you have in your neck. I even had to figure out a different solution for giving you baths because you would throw yourself around in the infant tub so much that I couldn't keep you under control with one hand. So now we just use a foam bath mat in the big tub and you are free to thrash around as you please. You generally like bath time and only occasionally scream your head off during it.
I love you so much, Livy. You have brought such a warmness and peacefulness to our family that feels so balanced and right. I have a daughter. And something about that makes me feel humble and important and excited.
Kissing your nose, because that always makes you smile.