Little Hankster:
I feel as if we are in the most beautiful transition of time. You are still my little baby but you are on the brink of boyhood. Not quite talking yet (though you do make lots of sounds) and not quite mobile yet (other than scooting around your crib). I am drinking in these days knowing that they are numbered and our lives will change very soon.
You change so much from minute to minute. Sometimes I look at you and marvel at how little you are, later the same day I will remark to your Dad how big you feel in my arms when I nurse you. It's a wild period that we're in. In fact, I had a hard time choosing which photograph best represents you this month. Is it that innocent cherubic baby up above? Or the boy below who knows a little more than he lets on? I am in love with the many facets of you.
Some of my favorite things that you've been doing lately:
- the occasional perfectly-dramatic sigh
- staring intensely at people (this one is especially entertaining when you do it to strangers who come up to us in public, often staring at them to the point that they feel unsettled, at which point you will break into a smile like "gotcha!")
- shaking your head "no" anytime I go anywhere near your nose (mama is a little OCD about you sometimes)
Food has been the focus this month, as we transitioned from purees to solids and you started feeding yourself more and more. It is such a thrill to watch you put food in your mouth, taste it, and chew it. I am mesmerized by it. We often give you little bits of whatever we're eating, and keep certain foods around for your daily meals and snacks.
Some of your favorites:
- oat toast with white bean hummus
- peach yogurt
- sweet potato "fries" (baked with some olive oil)
- steamed apples
- puffs (which have helped you with your pincer grasp)
You still nurse 8 times a day, including 3 times during the night. You haven't quite learned to multitask yet so you still get distracted during your daytime feedings. I've taken to nursing you in the dark, quiet bedroom so that you actually eat instead of flailing your arms and head around every time a noise or movement occurs. You are always my curious little guy.
You sit up like a champ and will sometimes even lay back with your elbows propping you up. Your muscles are strong and you are lean. I love kissing your cheeks because they are the chubbiest part on you! We are working on getting you to crawl by spending more time on your tummy, reaching forward for things, and staying propped up on your arms. You have the ability to do all of these things but you are NOT a fan of it. At all. We had an appointment with a physical therapist at Shriner's Hospital for Children so we could learn how to challenge you to stay on your tummy and work on crawling. Developmentally you are quite capable, but you are very strong-willed and resistant to being on your tummy. It may have something to do with the reflux you had as an infant. No matter what the reason, I have no doubt that you will eventually crawl and will then move on to walking (probably 2 days later).
My days with you are filled with your sweet affection, your silly faces, your crazy talk, and watching your little eyes as they take in the world. There are times when I miss taking long showers, or sleeping through the night, or concentrating on anything for any length of time. But I consider myself truly lucky that I am at your service. You are the most demanding boss I've ever had, but you give the world's greatest hugs.
Love you, to the moon and back, times a million.