Dear Hank:
I am writing this letter 6 days late. And that's because it's been a craaaaaazy month around here. Amidst all the craziness, you have been a happy, peaceful, content little boy.
This month we found out that your Daddy's job will have us relocating to Erie/Edinboro PA at the end of the year. Your Daddy works for the U.S. Congressman for the 5th District of Pennsylvania. They need someone to represent the Congressman in the Erie area which was added to their district this year. And because your Daddy was born and raised there, he was the best choice for the job. We've been scrambling to pack up the house and get all of our affairs in order to sell our house. There is some sadness because we are moving away from the people we love here, but we are also moving close to your Grandma and Opa and Momo, which we are very excited about. There is also lots of fun stuff for a little boy to explore in Erie, including a zoo, a lake with lots of beaches, and an indoor water park.
This month was also crazy because your Mama had a HUGE work project going on. I worked with a company called Johnson & Johnson on a TEDx event. I coached speakers in developing TED Talks — "the talk of their life" — and I designed their presentations. I had 19 speakers to work with so I was a busy, busy lady. And during that time your Grandma, your Nana, your Aunt Stacey, and your Daddy all made sure you were well cared for and loved. I missed you so much at times when I had to be away during the day. And I would work after you went to bed and early in the morning while you were sleeping. You and Daddy came with me to Jersey City, NJ for the event and stayed in the hotel most of the time. During dress rehearsals Mommy was so busy that Daddy brought you to the Liberty Science Center so Mama could feed you while she was working. You got to meet a lot of people and they were all enchanted by you. And best of all, you got to spend lots of time with Daddy who just loves to spend time with his boy. Your Daddy is an amazing husband who has and will make sacrifices so that I can do what I love. And I love that you can see him love me that way, and feel him love you that way too.
This month wasn't all about me and Daddy though. Oh no. YOU grew up so much! You went through a growth spurt and had a few nights where you were up eating every two hours. At your 4-month checkup with Dr. Collison we found out you are growing like a little lollipop. You weigh 13 lbs. 4 oz. which puts you in the 8th percentile for weight (up from 6th). You are 25 inches long, the 60th percentile for height (up from 33rd). And you are still our big-headed boy in the 88th percentile for head size (up from 77th).
Just this week you started breastfeeding more efficiently. It always took you at least an hour to nurse, but now you are done in about half an hour. This has really freed up some time for us — more time to play and do fun things together. Our favorites are singing songs together and reading books.
You love to stand up with help. You have freakishly strong neck and leg muscles for a 4 month-old. And you are very curious about the world. I love that you are content to spend a lot of time staring at things around you. Usually you do this while munching on your hands, which you are obsessed with. Instead of sucking on just a finger or a thumb, you try to put both fists in your mouth at the same time. It cracks me up.
You are quite the chatty little boy, like your Mama. You've been making coos and rahhhs and all kinds of dinosaur-like noises. And you've finally started to play with some of those toys we've had around for a while. Grabbing your O'ball, your Tigger rattle, and your Sophie the Giraffe are much more fun now that you can grasp things quite well. You don't always reach for things when they're in front of you, but you're starting to do it more and more. You are also —just— starting to laugh and giggle. It erupts every once in a while and it makes my heart explode with joy. I can't wait until you're doing it more often. I also can't wait for you to reach out your arms when I go to pick you up.
It was this time last year that your Daddy and I found out we were pregnant with you. On the morning of Christmas Eve I was feeling pretty sick. And I didn't think anything of it, but your Daddy has a pretty keen sense about things. So he went out to buy a pregnancy test. I snuck upstairs to take it while I was making pizzelles with your Grandma. And sure enough, it came up positive. I texted your Daddy a photo of the test and waited for what seemed like FOREVER for him to look at his phone as I continued to make pizzelles and he watched football. And when he saw it, we smiled at each other with tears in our eyes. You are the best Christmas present we've ever been given.
When I was at my conference, I sat behind a woman who was watching her 20-something son DJ on stage for the first time. Her face was lit up with so much love and pride. And I sat there with tears streaming down my face thinking of you, and how someday you will be making me that proud. In fact, Hank, you already do.
Love you forever, Mama
P.S. Since we were in New York City this month, I really wanted to take your 4 month picture by the Statue of Liberty. We tried, oh did we try! But it was foggy, the statue was backlit, and you were asleep. So instead I photoshopped this picture of you in front of the statue. I promise someday we'll actually take you there. :)