Dear Hank:
You're lying here beside me as I write this, sleeping peacefully and looking so adorable. I fall more in love with you everyday. I think I must have kissed you at least a million times in these first two months. Sometimes I just can't help myself. I know that someday you might not like my kisses quite as much. :)
Your personality and your little face has blossomed over the past few weeks. You've started smiling in reaction to us, which is just... wow, it's the best thing ever. It wouldn't matter if I had nothing in the world, seeing your smile fills my heart with the most indescribable joy. I hope I never have to go too long without seeing that smile.
You are still a laid-back guy most of the time. Occasionally you can have a bit of a temper. But it's hard being a baby, and I don't blame you for getting mad once in a while. You love when I use a toy to touch your lips and say your name. It almost always brings a smile to your face. You also smile a lot when you're on your changing table. I think you like seeing our faces so close to yours.
You're sleeping better, which is just heavenly. You aren't sleeping through the night yet, but that may start happening soon. This week you're going through a growth spurt and are up every 2 hours or so. Even though I'm tired, I like knowing that you're growing into a big boy. You finally started to fit your 0-3 month clothing a couple of weeks ago.
Reflux was making you miserable for a while, but we finally found a medicine that makes you feel better. You're back to being our happy little guy and not screaming in pain at night. I hated hearing you in pain and would have done anything to help you feel better. Dr. Collison is your doctor and he helped us figure out what was bothering you. We also discovered you are sensitive to dairy and corn, which means I have to give those things up for a while. You are the only person in the world I would happily give up cheese for!
We've done some traveling this month: to your Nana and Papa's house for a "Meet Baby Hank" party with your Mama's family, and you danced at your first wedding in Maryland when your Aunt Christie and Uncle Jamie got married. You generally like car rides and will either sleep or look contentedly out the window. This coming weekend we'll be traveling to Edinboro, PA so your Daddy's family can all celebrate your arrival as well!
I think the happiest part of your day is bath time, which is Daddy's specialty. He fills the tub up with warm water all the way to the top every night. You make the cutest surprised face when he puts you in. You stay in there for 20-30 minutes and just kick your legs around the whole time with a happy face on. We think you will be a good swimmer next year.
Now that fall is here, I find myself so excited to start sharing the seasons and holiday traditions with you. You make everything feel more special and exciting because we get to share it with you.
*forehead kiss*
I love you, my little one, Mama